24 Oct 24
What does "entrepreneurship" mean to you?
For me, entrepreneurship encompasses key concepts such as creativity, vision, decision-making, and management: essential elements for conceiving and realising something new and bringing it to success.
What has been the most significant experience or lesson you’ve learned during your journey?
On many occasions, I have witnessed how a goal, however complex and challenging, can foster cohesion, growth, and strengthen awareness of the true capabilities of an individual, a team, or an entire company.
Change is much simpler than it seems—Covid, during the worst situation our society has experienced in the last 90 years, demonstrated this.
Humans have extraordinary resources that enable them to adapt and manage complex situations.



What distinguishes Exergy International Srl in the competitive landscape?
Exergy International has established itself as a leader in the clean technologies sector for ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) systems, bringing true innovation with its Radial Outflow Turbine, a technology covered by several patents that has proven its efficiency in multiple applications.
In less than a decade, Exergy has become a global reference player with a portfolio of over 500 MWe in installed plants.
The technological innovation of Exergy's turbine still distinguishes the company's offering in the competitive landscape, along with our commitment to innovation, flexibility, and adaptability.
What is your personal and professional motto?
The sharing of ideas allows us to seize different nuances of the same topic, enriching the overall vision.



ELITE: the ecosystem that helps small and medium-sized enterprises grow and access the private and public capital markets.
Why is this an opportunity that other companies need to consider?
ELITE represents a unique opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) by promoting a cultural evolution that allows companies to approach a new way of doing business.
The network provides a continuous stream of connections, enabling companies to engage in discussions, build relationships, and establish new partnerships, creating both new organic opportunities and initiatives that run parallel to their regular business activities.

Would you tell your Inspiring Story?