26 Sep 24
What does entrepreneurship mean to you?
For Hydro Fert management, entrepreneurship means innovation, push and focus on the future. We like to carry out our ideas trying not to surrender before the first obstacles, but by persisting on the pursuit of an effective solution that can establish itself on the market.
What is the biggest experience or lesson gained on your growth journey so far?
I believe that the accurate choice of the working team is essential to obtain results and external recognition. Hydro Fert company is lucky to have a young and prepared group that continues to learn on the job. Therefore, the main lesson I’ve learned is that a good teamwork certainly brings more results than an individual one, solely based on the choices of the entrepreneur.



How is your company acting as a game changer in the landscape?
Hydro Fert was born as a retailer of phytosanitary products and fertilizers, like many others in our area. I believe that our corporate turning point was to change our mission focus from simple sales to an actual production activity. This way we wanted to provide a plus to our business, not merely by offering the required products to farmers, but also by solving their problems and so producing customized products based on their specific needs.
What Should Your Life Motto Be?
Not thinking too far ahead, facing problems without panicking and managing unexpected events one at a time, these are the mantras at the basis of our activities.



ELITE: the European network of private SMEs which accelerates the process to access private and public capital markets. Why it can be the game changing opportunity companies should consider?
I strongly think that all activities aiming to support the growth of SMEs should be seriously considered by entrepreneurs from all sectors. Small companies often do not have the necessary means and knowledge to overcome the barriers imposed by both local and global market. In light of this, it is fundamental to take advantage of all the opportunities coming from outside, such as the one proposed by ELITE, which concretely help the company’s growth.

Would you tell your Inspiring Story?