10 Oct 24
What does "entrepreneurship" mean to you?
For me, entrepreneurship means "growth."
The journey of young entrepreneurs is extremely complex and requires a lot of energy.
Doing business, and specifically innovative business, means building something new while facing various complexities: human, business, and economic.
Growth is, in a way, the word that sums up the attitude an entrepreneur should have: learning to grow personally and professionally, learning to grow a company in a healthy and virtuous way, and learning to grow with the people you work with.
What has been the most significant experience or lesson you’ve learned during your journey?
In my short journey, I have met many people, and each of them, in their own way, has left something with me.
Among the most important lessons I have learned, one stands out in particular: one day, an entrepreneur whom I highly respect told me that a good CEO must learn to be a screenwriter.
To not look at the future as a single path but as multiple "futures," trying to find a key to interpreting each one and a way forward for all of them.
This lesson has been very useful to me in managing the complexities we have encountered along the way.



What distinguishes Exergy International Srl in the competitive landscape?
Keplera is a mix and match of people and technology.
We have built a team that fantastically integrates professionals from the legal world and technology experts.
Innovating in the legal field is a complex mission due to the strong barriers to technological adoption.
The legal-tech world is growing rapidly, but we believe our competitive advantage is not only technological but also human.
What is your personal and professional motto?
My motto is "What grows together, goes together."
ELITE: the ecosystem that helps small and medium-sized enterprises grow and access the private and public capital markets.
Why is this an opportunity that other companies need to consider?
The ELITE ecosystem is an excellent opportunity because it not only offers high-quality training that helps to grow in a healthy way but is also an extraordinary networking opportunity with other companies, enablers, and industry operators who can represent a network of strategic partners for growth and business improvement

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