
Founded in 1980, today Finanziaria Internazionale (Finint) is one of the most dynamic and innovative Italian financial institutions. In 2014 Finint strengthened its development strategy in the investment banking and asset management sectors by setting up Banca Finint. The Banca Finanziaria Internazionale Group was officially established in 2016 with Banca
Finint as the holding company. Headquartered in Conegliano (TV) with branches in Milan, Rome, Trento, Verona and Moscow, Banca Finint currently employs about 300 professionals. In total, the Finanziaria Internazionale Group has access
about 800 professionals.
The Group is also active in the field of business process outsourcing.
Via Vittorio Alfieri, 1
31015, Conegliano - Italy