Elso Pesti Malom ZRT (First Pest Mill LTD) is one of the excellent companies that are part of ELITE, the pan-European ecosystem of the Euronext Group that helps small and medium-sized enterprises grow and access private and public capital markets.
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Building on the 170 years old traditions and legacy of the very first steam driven roller mill in Hungary, Elso Pesti Malom strives to meet the modern consumer demands of the 21st century by producing specialty products without compromise in quality, being dedicated to providing for healthy living.Located in Central Hungary, utilizing the grain crops of the the richest soils of Europe and the exceptional climatic conditions produce a wide variety of milled products meeting the highest demands.The company in its state-of-art setup has existed since 2000. Current production is around 50000 tonnes annually in 4 mills, counting them amongst the top 5 mills in Hungary.
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